Dear participants of 10th ECCB Conference,
Dear colleagues and friends,
I hope you all are good in these pandemic days. Considering the current situation, we hope that it will be possible to held the conference in May this year (24-27 May 2022).
All registration fees already payed are valid without any additional payment. If you will not be able to attend personally, you can send some of your colleagues instead. In case you would prefer reimbursement, it will be possible for 60% of the initial payment (please, check the terms and conditions on the registration form). Therefore, we are warmly encouraging you to attend the conference.
We have all your abstracts stored, and if you do not want to make any changes, there is no need to submit the abstract again. However, if you want to improve it or even to change the subject you are welcome to send us a new version of abstract.
Extended deadline for registration is 15th February and for abstract submission 1st March.
All information you can find on conference website:
With best wishes,
Antun Alegro
on the behalf of the Organizing committee of 10th ECCB Conference
Dear participants of 10th ECCB Conference,
Dear colleagues and friends,
I hope you all are good in this pandemic days. After consultations considering current circumstances about Covid-19 pandemic, travel possibilities and other safety and organizational issues ECCB Scientific/Organizing Committee concluded that the Conference should unfortunately be postponed to May 2022. We also discussed the possibility of an online conference, but the conclusion was that the personal contacts, time spent together and field excursions are important parts of ECCB meetings and that it would be better to wait for another year.
All registration fees already payed will be valid for next year without any additional payment. If you will not be able to attend personally, you can send some of your colleagues instead. In case you would prefer reimbursement, it will be possible for 60% of the initial payment (please, check the terms and conditions on the registration form). Therefore, we are warmly encouraging you to attend the conference next year. We will continue with all the preparations of the conference for May 2022.
With best wishes,
Antun Alegro
on the behalf of the Organizing committee of 10th ECCB Conference