Abstract Submission
Organizing and Scientific Committee of the 10th Conference of European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes kindly invites all interested bryologists to submit their abstracts, either for oral or poster presentation.
Authors have to fill in the Abstract Submission Form bellow and state the preferred way of presentation.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and participants will be informed about the acceptance via e-mail three weeks after the submission.
In case of too many submitted oral presentations, the Organizing and Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the form of the presentation. In that case, the presenting author will be first informed about the Committees’ decision.
Abstract guidelines
The abstract should be written in English, in one paragraph of maximum 250 words, using Times New Roman, font size 12, without any additional formatting. No references should be cited in the abstract. Abbreviations should be avoided, but if they have to be used, they must be defined the first time they are used. Abstract must cover following sections: Introduction (Brief introduction to the subject), Objectives (Clearly defined objectives of research), Method/Design (Brief description or list of applied methods/design), Results and Conclusions (Clearly stated).
Presenting authors (oral or poster) must register early and pay the early bird registration fee by 15th March 2021.
Program of the 10th Conference of European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes includes submitted oral and poster presentations. The official language of the Congress is English, and all participants are kindly invited to prepare their presentation in English.
Oral presentations
The participants will have 15 minutes available for their presentations, followed by five-minute discussion.
All presentations must be available to the Conference technical staff on USB memory stick at least 15 minutes before each session and should be made in Microsoft Power Point or in PDF.
Poster presentation
The posters have to include the following sections: the title, name of the author(s), affiliation and acknowledgement. Handouts of the posters are encouraged.
The size of the poster should not exceed 90 x 120 cm (width x height).